Testimonials for Coaching & Mentoring
Martine, legal advisor
I have experienced a difficult time in my work life in a period where a change was essential for me for different reasons but no position was offered to me, despite experience and recognized skills. Coaching allowed me to understand that I had locked myself in this way. Sometimes we just need to speak out loud (and to get the right questions) to go further.
I understood I had to get out of this deadlock by myself, to stop waiting for something which would never come. I also understood I had to move outside of my comfort zone. Coaching with Agnes allowed me to regain the necessary energy for this radical change. Once things have been said and understood, I was able to act positively: finalize a resume, apply for a position and be positive and convincing.
I found my dream job very fast.
Elise, risk manager
"I met Agnès Douillet in 2006, I had just been hired to do an extremely difficult job. She helped me to be more tolerant and less demanding with myself. At the same time, she coached me on ways to work better and more efficiently. She taught me ways to say "no" in a respectful and positive way (towards myself or others) so that I could free up some time to really make an impact at my job. She helped me celebrate my achievements and gain self-confidence. She is a key person in my success today. When I have a doubt about an important work decision to make, I contact her now and then to help me take a step back and make the best decision for me and my company.
Delphine, project manager
Our sessions with Agnes enabled me to see my situation with more objectivity, to simplify what appeared overly complex. I was able to define a plan of action that was tailored to my work situation and came out on top.
Vanessa, funds & markets specialist
"I met Agnes as part of a mentoring program, organized by our employer. Agnes's listening ability, her kindness and her management skills have made me grow in my professional relationship with others, but also in my ability to manage my work time more sensibly, without reducing effectiveness or my involvement. Her experience, which she willingly shares, has allowed me to put the professional difficulties into perspective in a less personal context. Humility in particular, at the heart of her approach, is a valuable tool, which has helped me grow tremendously. Thanks to the tools she shared but also, her patience and pedagogy, I gained in serenity and professionalism. "
Testimonials FOR THE Voice Dialog
Marianne, feng shui consultant & banker
I first needed Voice Dialogue at a junction in my life when I had to decide between accepting a job across the world, versus another job in my home town. I called Agnes to sort through this tough decision… When she came to my house that afternoon, I was very on edge. I told her what my choices were and she quickly reassured me that it was very normal to be so stressed out about these changes that were about to occur
We sat down and she walked me through her method of “Voice Dialogue”. She was going to “call” on my various personas coexisting within me so that they could be heard in their very singular unique way. Each one of us has several personas within us that want to take over at various times. But when life decisions are hard, we often resort to the Fearful voice within us (whether it’s an authoritarian voice or a submissive voice does not matter, a fearful voice exists within us and it’s not always the “shy” side of us).
I definitely wanted to stop running and ask myself some real hard questions.
She called on the first persona and asked them to talk first. She asked several questions and let that voice talk. Then another, then another until I felt that I was done, that I had no other “Voice” inside of me wanting to express themselves.
We gathered every voice back in, and talked again. This whole process felt like a whole afternoon, when really it must have lasted no more than 2 hours. I was exhausted!
It's a tremendously effective process, and Agnes masters it with her singular mix of compassion and leadership that makes her so great to work with. For me, this session felt like the equivalent of 5 years of therapy packed into a couple of hours!
I would definitely call Agnes again if I had to make another hard decision like this one. The process is tiring but one recuperates perfectly the next day, energized with the feeling of having discovered oneself, and with more tolerance and self-love than ever before.
Michelle, theater artist & educator
Working with Agnes on Voice Dialog was an incredibly valuable experience, which continues to bring insight and understanding, many months after the sessions. I turned to Agnes when I was grappling with a specific work-related decision, an opportunity with the potential to change my trajectory in the organization.
The work with Agnes went far beyond my expectations; it was surprising, illuminating, even playful. It also went much deeper than I had imagined. Certainly it offered key tools to help clarify the immediate decision I was struggling with. It also became a springboard to a deeper, rewarding process of self-reflection and discovery. Agnes is a skillful, generous guide and coach in this process. Grounded and present, she curates an authentic safe space to discover, name and reflect upon the many sides of one-self.